Dickson Squash Club

Founded over 30 years ago, Dickson Squash Club is one of the oldest squash clubs in Canberra. Since then, Dickson has remained a strong and viable club, with six courts and a vigorous, enthusiastic membership. All levels of the sport are catered for - from juniors to seniors, males and females, novices to advanced.
If you‘re new to Canberra and looking for somewhere to play, drop in and see Dick O‘Rourke at Bodyline Sports or 0409 824 487.
To join the club and take part in activities, Annual Club membership is $35.00. Club practice runs each Sunday from 1pm until 5pm. Dickson Juniors run every term on a Friday from 4pm until 5:30pm. This is followed by Junior pennant, either at Dickson or Woden Squash Centre. A 'In-House' junior competition takes place from 6pm for juniors transitioning into junior pennant. Senior squash pennant competition and in-house intermediate squash competition takes place every week. Ask Dick for more information.

South Canberra Squash Club

Based at Woden Squash Centre, the South Canberra Squash Club caters for squash players of all standards and age groups. Coaching is available, along with competitions and activities for both social and serious players. The Centre has 8 courts, a squash shop and a licensed club room.
Annual membership for adults is $25, and $15 for juniors. Junior practice occurs during term time, Mondays 4:30-5:30. Adult social intermediate In-House takes place every Tuesday 7-9pm. Pennant runs every Wednesday and Thursday. Club practice takes place every Sunday 10-12 and costs $10.
SCSC utilises the Woden Squash Centre facilities to run events. We do not own or run the courts. Court hiring is managed by the Woden Squash Centre.

Vikings Squash Club
Established around 30 years ago, the Vikings Squash Club provides the opportunity for squash players of all standards – beginners to Premier – to play Pennant competition, Social competitions, weekly practice sessions and coaching opportunities – as well as social activities and trips away. Squash is the ideal Canberra sport, played in any weather, any time of the year, for fun, fitness and friendly competition. We run Junior tournaments, Club Championships and two social comps – as well as having teams in the ACT Senior and Junior Pennants. We currently have over 100 members playing senior and junior competitions plus social and beginners.
We are a growing, fun, friendly and active Club, shown by our winning the ACT Sports Club of the Year Award in 2014.
How do I join your Club?
Register here or come by one of our practice sessions.
The Club conducts several mixed social competitions each year prior to Pennant competitions, in a friendly and fun format! Social squash is a good way to meet other players in an informal atmosphere and to see what standard you may be at, if you want to play Pennant competition. They are usually run in January and July.
Membership Details
We cater for all standards of players, juniors and seniors, Pennant and social.
Training Schedule
Adult practice sessions: Sundays 4 – 6 pm and Mondays 7 – 8:30pm at Active Leisure Centre, Erindale.
Junior practice: Sundays 2 – 4 pm at Active Leisure Centre
Woden Squash Centre

This venue boasts the highest quality courts in Canberra, with 8 hard-back courts on offer. Woden Squash Centre is the home of Squash ACT offices, and is the hub for most tournaments in the ACT. Court costs vary. Monday-Thursday 4-10pm is $35 per hour. Weekends 1-5pm is $22 per hour. All courts outside these times are off peak, and cost $22 per hour. Regular block bookings can be accessed for $30 per hour. All Squash ACT registered juniors receive free courts at Woden Squash Centre. Junior sessions run Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday - more details are available on the Juniors page. Out of hour 24-hour access is available, Please contact woden@squashact.asn.au for more information.